A selection of recent and older poems, songs, hymns, and prose I've written.
I started writing some basic poetry a little while ago, and I hope to improve as time goes on. Most of my early ones I am not particularly proud of, thus I haven't included them here. They are all styled like hymns/prayers, but I plan to branch out into different forms when I'm ready. I will add to this page occasionally, and include both Dutch and English poems on both the pages. They will be in chronological order for now. There are a few hymns I have written in Dúvtung based on the psalms, they'll be included on a separate page once they've been re-written.
Empty hands, 12/01/2024
Hear Thou me now, O King of all,
In Thy arms hold me fast!
My flame from rain with Thy great wings
Keep dry and burning tall.
Grant unto me the Spirit’s life,
To lighten my dim faith.
The devil ‘round my neck do burn,
Who with all lies is rife.
Forgive mine anger, sin, and all
That tempted did Thy Grace.
Be with us all, forever more;
And lead us with Thy call.
Holy Anchor, 25/02/2024
A holy anchor is Thy word,
Without it would I fly!
A fast and sure rock and golden gird
for all who set thee high!
Mighty dragon’s wings given by
Thy Spirit’s comfort are;
These feathers with and through Thy sky
shall I over storms soar far!
Those Heavenly Streams, 18/04/2024
O brilliant are those crystal streams,
that from Thy Throne do flow!
They glisten in Christ’s golden beams,
giving life to all who go.
Along those streams the trees do sway,
pull’d by cool morning air;
They give their fruit of life alway,
they no longer sin shall bear!
How pleasant shall the fruit there be,
abundant as His grace!
We from our hunger shall be free;
never thirsty in that place.
Lovely Birds' Song, 28/11/2024
when in my heart a sorrow burns
and fear doth take its many turns
the silence of my sadden’d room
doth make it seem an empty tomb.
How lovely then when I go out
and hear the birds sing God’s great songs
they sweeter are than angels’ choir
they sing their songs of peace and joy!
And thus the sound doth dry my tears
my fear doth melt and still my heart.
How beautiful their voices are.
O Lord my God how great Thy works!
Untitled, 11/2024
There through the many leaves the drops did fall.
The tears of heaven’s heavy clouds that all
their sorrow on the em’rald trees do pour
to cool the air and wet the ground the creatures for.
How great that smell, how nice that lov’ly sound!
Under the trees and leaves he comfort found
among the song of birds and whisp’ring wind.
The Father saved me!, 01/2025
But may my heart forever be
there fixed on Thee, o crossed Tree!
And may I daily eat that fruit,
Thy flesh and blood, from purest root!
Thus bind my spirit and my mind
to Thee, my Father, so I’ll find
Thee walking daily by my side,
that I shall never from thee hide!
So may my ev’ry thought and deed
and word, all of me you read,
be ever to Thy majesty!
Teach me my hidden arts to free!
I burn with joy, with love indeed,
for Thou, O Shepherd, has me freed!
For years my tears did wet my bed,
But Thou, my God, me to Thee lead!
I now am free to spread my wings,
to shout with joy, the organ sings!
How sweet the sound, how great Thy love,
which comforts me, Thy humble dove.
Tibi, Domine, Cantamus et Volamus; 01/02/2025
Glory to God for He fills us with joy!
He gave us voices so we may employ
Songs of high praise so to thank for that Grace
He gave His children, our sins to erase.
Can there be anything greater than this,
Singing in unity, heavenly bliss!
O how my spirit does fly to the Lord
When all my strength into music is pour’d.
Just as the humans do sing of God’s love,
So do the birds praise the Father above!
After the sun wakes to light all the earth,
Forests are filled with their choirs of mirth.
Colourful feather’d to Heaven they fly,
Freely with nothing to shackle the sky!
And so to comfort the weary of heart
Songs of His faithfulness they do impart.
And as the creatures God’s chosen do serve,
Angels go with us our souls to preserve.
Fiery wings they may use to surround
Sorrowful spirits who long to be found.
Since the beginning when this world was made
Never this chorus from heaven did fade:
Glory to God in the highest, and peace
Be to His people on this earth increas’d!
Then on that day when our King does return,
This world shall pass and with fire be burn’d.
Cleans’d from all evil our spirits shall be,
We shall be given our true form, so free!
O how I yearn for that beautiful day
When I shall fly to my Father and say,
With all the creatures and angels and men:
Glory to God for He saved us, Amen!